NEW: Videos & Collector Events
This Saturday we're launching our long awaited Collector's event, the 2nd Saturdays Comic Exchange. (<-click for dates) It's a time dedicated to nothing but comics, feel free to bring in a short box for making deals or exchanges with other seasoned collectors and if you're new to collecting come in and learn from some of the best! We'll have some fun surprises in store.
We LOVE new comic book day and are doing something a bit different. We've played with a variety of ways to have fun with NCBD since we opened. The people have spoken and for now, we'll be continuing our raw, unedited comic talk on Tuesday nights! It's a bit like Big Bang Theory's fun with flags with Sheldon and Amy, except that there are no edits - or flags - just one inglorious take. We'll always be recording at the end of a LONG day, we'll be tired, brain fogged, and probably shouldn't be getting in front of a camera.
If you have a QUESTION for us, please comment below or message us and we may answer it in the next video!